

I'd rather be Portman's kid than Huckabee's. Just sayin'.

Remember when Huckabee’s kid hanged a dog at Boy Scout camp?

If only Obama could have grown up in the awesomeness of Arkansas and tortured dogs with other Boy Scouts…then he’d be a real American and not a Muslim.

Then there was the time little David Huckabee was arrested for having a loaded gun at the airport.

Huckabee’s failure to raise a humanoid didn’t stop him from shooting off his mouth about Natalie Portman’s pregnancy:

You know Michael, one of the things that’s troubling is that people see a Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, ‘Hey look, you know, we’re having children, we’re not married, but we’re having these children, and they’re doing just fine.’ But there aren’t really a lot of single moms out there who are making millions of dollars every year for being in a movie. And I think it gives a distorted image that yes, not everybody hires nannies, and caretakers, and nurses. Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that’s the story that we’re not seeing, and it’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock.

You know, right now, 75 percent of black kids in this country are born out of wedlock. 61 percent of Hispanic kids — across the board, 41 percent of all live births in America are out of wedlock births. And the cost of that is simply staggering.” (Source)

With what manner of judgment yall are judgin’, so shall your dumb asses be judged.”  –Judges 54:12 ¾

Now, Huckabee’s lying his ass off about what he said.

Woe be unto the liar for he shall have his nutsack torn off like the last 6 squares on the toilet paper roll.  –in the John 3:16

27 thoughts on “Portman to Huckabee: Suck my Dick

  1. Huckabee is such an asshole. It was ok for Bristol Palin but not ok for Natalie Portman? What a douche.

    • It’s none of his business. But it’s not like he’s getting gold stars in the parenting department. Do you think he’ll run? He made it a point to brag about his income at Fox and how he’s not sure if he wants to. Like running for President is about a raise or cut in pay.

      • It is none of his business. Neither are abortions or same sex marriage, but he sticks his greedy ugly face in those two. I bet he runs. Every conservative is looking for a raise from the Koch brothers. Except for Gingrich, he makes plenty of money from fund raising schemes where he threatens to run.

  2. The bad/good thing about working for Fox News, is that it confirms that they are certificate of approval for insanity. Huckabee is gonzo, along with the rest of the right wing rubbish.

    • I got a big kick out of Canada smacking down Fox News North. Canadian law forbids broadcasters to lie…and that’s the real reason they were denied. 😆

  3. Damn, girl, that visual about the toilet paper was unnecessarily harsh! Considering I’ve never gotten ANYTHING outta the last 6 squares except confetti! Either you’re getting WAY better TP than I am, or I’ll say it again – DAMN, that’s harsh! 😀
    You know, I actually had some hopes for Huckle-Bee to be a GOP guy I wouldn’t steer TOWARDS if I saw him on the side of the road. Dang, he’s gone from hero to zero faster than the Cubs in August! 😉

  4. Hi Melissa!

    Huckabee seems to be hellbent on shoving his own ass, and 2012 chances down the river without a paddle…”Kenya” wake up and smell the coffee, Mr. Huckabee?! Enough with the snucker-punches on the President of the United States.

    Have a great week, Melissa

      • Well, I say it’s time for the “ponies” to cowboy up, Melissa, and restore our party’s image. Better to lose with honor, than lose in shame supporting falsehoods and hate. Another excellent post by the way–like your unique style. Keep ’em coming.

    • i think glenn blechhh is close to getting fired, and chuckleberry wants to confiscate his audience. he’s putting his foot in the water to see just how much batshittery he can get away with so he can make lots of money on faux news. i don’t think he’s interested in 2012. he’ll continue to publicly flirt with the idea so he can get attention.

      • Why the heck would Huckabee want to run? He can make more money touring the talk shows – provided whatever he’s huffing doesn’t cause MORE brain damage. I’m STILL trying to figure out what the heck’s in the water, between Huckabee, the IRA flunky doing a Muslim witch-hunt, and Charlie Sheen/Moamar Qaddafi (I think they’re secretly twins, since they melted down about the same time). Is it sunspots? Or have the aliens finally landed? 😀

        • zactly! he doesn’t want to run. he’s just another grifter like princess sarah who wants to make as much money as quickly as possible.

          p.s. if chuckleberry is huffing anything, it’s reddi-whip cans.

  5. I’ve been saying all along that making money is Palin’s motive, but oh …. Nonnie has expected that thought to Huckabee. Hmmm … connecting the dots!

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