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more about “Is Every Single Republican Guy Gay????“, posted with vodpod

You know the Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, who spends a lot of time being the power butt of  gay jokes?

…cuz he posed for this:

I totally stole this from Wonkette.

I totally stole this from Wonkette.

He’s being kicked out of the closet tomorrow by the release of an independent film.

Outing someone before they’re ready?  That’s kinda gay.

Except the movie maker is only outing the hypocrites of homosexuality.   The ones that openly condemn or very literally deny LGBTs full equality under the law.


The movie, “Outrage,” gives first hand accounts from the governor’s former sex partners.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman will have his coming out party, too, and a bunch of less important conservatives.

Why couldn’t it have been Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, or James Dobson?  It would have been much funnier.

Crist is recently married…yes, to a chick.

8 thoughts on “Is Every Single Republican Guy Gay????

  1. WOW! I want to see this because it’s time for the truth to come out. They can’t keep hiding what they’re doing to the rest of us.

    All Single Repubs aren’t gay but they probably all have forbidden sex.

    • I have some conjecture, Helen. Could be liking a Boys’ Club. Could be they like money more than liberty. Family tradition is a possibility (i.e. Mary Cheney).

      I feel like I should be on a psych couch saying this!

  2. I hate to say it, but no one in Florida is surprised to find out our deliciously orange gubnah is gay — but I’ll still watch the documentary!!!

    He’s been linked to Mark Foley several times over the years and word was the beard only came into play when it looked like McCain was seriously considering him for the veep spot.

    What time does that bad boy air???

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