
News that Twinkles
News & Commentary that Twinkle

Oh, yeah, that’s me standing with my knees bent so Brian Williams won’t look short.  I’m nice like that.  Whenever Williams took over for Brokaw, I happened to be hanging out in a newsroom and grabbed this photo op before he shuffled on down to Talladega for the Nascar races (for real…he LOVES him some Nascar.)

Anyway, I did time–nearly a decade–in local tv news; now, I’m freelancing.  FREE is the best part of freelancing.  My
schedule is mine, and I answer to me.  FREE is the worst part of freelancing because I spend too much time working for free.   My writing here is dedicated to the journalistic principles that news must be proportionate and the significant be made relevant.  Oh, and comedy…because news is insufferable without being able to laugh at the daily parade of ass-quackery coming through the idiot box.  (Yeah!  New Media!!)

A little more biographical stuff…My name is Melissa.  I’ve been writing since I was a wee one, initially inspired by Charlotte and Wilbur of E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web.   My favorite writer ever is Mark Twain.  I love him so much I named my second son after him.  Way back in the 90s, I had the opportunity to work as a sysop for celebrated science-fiction/fantasy author, Orson Scott Card.  He let me bring his character Vilate Franker to life in his Hatrack River community, and Vilate eventually saw her way into the American fantasy series: The Tales of Alvin Maker (which you should totally read that shit).

In TV, I was the producer and executive producer of several award winning news broadcasts (which these awards are about a dime-a-dozen in the industry, but it sure made my mom proud!).  I’ve covered enough stories on untimely deaths and abject misery to be permanently jaded I think.

I also worked as an Associate Faculty member at Arizona Western College teaching ethics and logic (both disciplines proved irrelevant in news 😦 ).

But enough already about me. Tell me about you!

You can contact me at writechic@gmail.com

Alms for the broke accepted merrily and with gratitude.

To Everyone I Piss Off: My bad. Sorry. 🙂

122 thoughts on “About this Blogger and Website

  1. Hey there

    I have had a great time readign this blogg. I was lookign up Ghandi’s comment about the world going blind and I came across your blogg spot and have spent the last hour reading things from it.

    It’s fantastic


  2. At this moment is the moment of what I called “Social Networking” – – browsing around WordPress.com blogger community in random to find interesting ideas or shall I say inspiration. Your blog caught my attention. Great blog! and thanks for your thoughts!



  3. Ithink i might have been turned on to this website once before but alot has happened since then.lots of interesting articles here. good website,mis.


  4. Hi, Susan. I hails from Hoover.

    Where are you? I saw two blue dot bumper stickers in a parking lot and wanted to wait for the people to come back to their car. I obviously need friends. 😉

  5. Hi there………..I saw the video about the pretend film…….of questions George S. could ask McCain………its awesome………I couldn’t get vodpod to work to insert in my own blog to do a post myself………so saved your blog in my rolls……..lefties rule!

    I claim to be ambidextrous though………..figuratively and literally……I can write with each hand……..and I can agree with the right on certain things……

    GObama 08!

    I love Keith Olbermann……that was actually the video that I wanted to put in my own blog……..alas, vodpod failed me.

  6. Hoover? Cool. All my relatives are from Harpersville, Vincent, Childersburg, Sylacauga area.

    Great Blog and have bloggroll’d you, as well.

  7. Sylacauga? Childersburg? That’s Alabama wine country! Morgan Creek blueberry wine is my favorite Christmas gift to give.

  8. Melissa,

    Don’t spot an e-mail address for you on here anywhere, so just wanted to let you know I finally got around to adding you to our blog roll at the Locust Fork Journal, LocustFork.Net.


  9. You know what they say…there ain’t nuttin’ smoother than a Hoovah groova. Actually it is a reference to L.A. Crips and the hood they inhabit, but it has cross-geographic applicability.

  10. Dear Write Chic,

    I love your site and have visited every day since I first stopped by.

    I’ve especially liked your work on the Seigelman story.

    I’m adding you to my blogroll right now.

    See you tomorrow, thanks.


  11. Thank you, Mike. I’ll add you, too. Nice to see someone cares about what happens in Alabama as far away as SoCal! But you all lost Carol Lam and suffered Duke Cunningham.

    Hope you and yours weren’t too rattled by yesterday’s quake.

  12. Thanks, MD!

    The quake was really something but far less frightening than the tornado’s of my youth in Nebr.

    98 days till the election, I can hardly wait!

    Take care, Mike

  13. I think I’m going to love yours, too, steadycat! John McCain is a lesbian! Lesbians around the world gave a collective shudder, felt a disturbance in the force, and considered pitching for any other team but their own. Thanks for visiting!

  14. Great Web site – so glad to find your site! Impressive credentials, too.

    You help prove that Alabama really does have some smart, talented, and cool people. Born in New Orleans & raised in Alabama, lived in Europe & around the USA, I’m now semi-retired back in Alabama, my base as a band leader, wild glamour pianist, political activist, & artist. (No Web site yet.)

    My artist friend who does the “Doubly Gifted” blog turned me on to your site (she has a link to you on her site).

    LOL – as an out Lesbian, I’ve been tempted to throw Lesbian support NOT to McCain, but to Caribou Barbi, I mean, Mrs. Palin, because she is so not like most straight women and she’s just so uppity and sassy and all that… it might scare off some of the evangelical vote… but then, that would be disrespectful to Lesbians ;->

    Merci beaucoup & Keep up the good work.

    ~Dr. Jazz

  15. Thanks, Dr. Jazz, for the vote of confidence! I was raised in New Orleans…Algiers then across the Lake to Slidell. I love Dr. John, and I’ve reproduced a litter of musicians–all percussionists, two play the sax, too.

    Let me know if you get a site up and feel free to jump into the fray with sassy commentary. Caribou Barbie is a post waiting to happen. 🙂

  16. I live in Homewood, next door to you. I too am so caught up when I see a blue-dot car that I’m tempted to follow that car in order to speak to the like-minded folks! I have done that. So glad my Auburn friend, Jane, clued me in to your blogsite. She’s a Dem, too.
    Obama all the way—and let’s have a landslide!

  17. Hi, MaryKate! Thanks for saying hi! I see a lot more blue dots driving around than I used to. It’s encouraging. And thank Jane!

  18. Hey Melissa! Love the blinged-up photo! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy not only your blog, but also the “conversation” you invite and encourage. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled upon this site when I was looking for some “local flavor” on the Siegelman case.

    Just keep up the good work!

  19. That’s how things look about an hour before I get a migraine! Thanks for helping me feel like I have anything worthwhile to say….I’ll get really sappy if go on…so…

    And Speaking of Siegelman, got this today:

    Dear M,

    Thank you for all you have done to make revolution at the ballot box a reality!

    While in the comfort of our new found hope following last night’s stunning victory, let us not forget who brought us to the point of our political rebellion. Let us not forget the ones who subverted our democracy by falsely leading our country into war, stealing elections and using the Department of Justice as their own political weapon.

    It is so interesting to watch Karl Rove now. You never hear him claim credit anymore for being the “genius” behind George W. Bush.

    Today, Rove is trying as hard as possible to distance himself from the Bush administration.

    Not one major media source has laid the election blame on Rove.

    The Republicans have taken a fall for Rove. Fortunately though, they leave him on Fox as a symbol to remind us why we are so angry and why this administration is in the tank.

    Now that there has been a political train wreck the Republicans will do an investigation to find out what happened and find that Rove steered the train off the tracks.

    We need to encourage the Republicans to now take the lead in holding Rove in Contempt!

    Thank you for working so hard and doing such a phenomenal job waking up America.

    I will be back in touch with some ideas of how we can encourage Congress to take the next step in uncovering and exposing the truth.


    Don Siegelman
    Governor of Alabama

  20. Oh — I’m in withdrawal already!
    I KNOW you have somethng good on Bush’s long kissoff goodbye last night!!
    Oh why do you withhold from me?!? You said no torture!!!!!

    I humbly await your offering (if I’m lucky enough to get one)

  21. When I saw your comment on Loretta Nall’s blog I was curious enough to come to yours because any friend of my friend is “a person of interest”. I’m glad that I did. Your blog contains tons of interesting information that I haven’t yet had time to explore, but I’ll be back when time permits.

    I don’t blog, but I read many political blogs (left, right, and center) every day and post comments on some. I am a small-time political activist, especially in regard to Alabama government and politics, and I have a website devoted to my primary project which you or your readers may be interested in @ http://www.doctoriq.com.

    Being in Hoover and (I gather) a Democrat or Progressive, perhaps you’re acquainted with an internet friend of mine, Kathy, whose Birmingham Blues blog is @ http://www.queervoice.net/kmcmullen/.

  22. I appreciated your reference to E. B. White and “Charlotte’s Web.”

    My first literary find, one that I still treasure more than all others.

    I minored in Philosophy, so your interest is “logic and ethics” is appreciated.

    Continued success in the blogosphere.


    • Nice to meet ya, Blue! Charlotte was the best…in spite of all the blood sucking. I’ll check out your site. 🙂

  23. I just started a new WordPress blog with my caricatures on world politics (I’m from Argentina) and you are the kind of people I want o share with. So, you’ll be my first mark in the blogroll at:


    Until it become famous, you can visit:

    http://gloriamundi.blogsome.com with my weekly work at a local newspaper with bilingual (En-Sp) commentaries on both local and international articles on politics, science and culture.

    Hope you’ll like my drawings and feel free to use them.

    My best

    Roberto Bobrow (aka Bob Row)

  24. Hey there! Great site! I too was in local TV news but got out after the birth of my first son. Now I’m practicing law and trying to make fun of the news. Love your writing!

  25. Alvin Maker — at least the first couple of books — were some of my favs. I liked what Card did with folk magic, and of course, I’m a sucker for maps.

    If you’re of a bent, Card has an interview on the fan-produced making of Serenity documentary.

  26. You’re now officially ensconced on The Lion’s blogroll, which is way down at the bottom of the page. Just can’t help liking the clean look of the Day Dream theme.

      • Oh, and I’m returning the blogroll generosity, but I think you’ll find me generally silly. Sorry. Maybe you need to something to point and laugh at though. I’m the chick then. 🙂

        • Anyone using intelligence to out folly can neither be sneezed at or laughed at. But if it makes you feel better I will occasionally cough and chuckle politely in your direction.

          (I’m oldish. I get to say things like that, without penalty.)

          • Excellent! I am also oldish, but my children are teens and collegiate types so my English is ruined.

            And thank you for the excellent compliment. 🙂

  27. Hi Melissa! After reading through all that archive Raisin material I feel like I almost know you. Need to check out your blog next and some of the other regulars. Glad to hear your kids play music. I started on woodwinds many years ago and never looked back.

    • The Jerry Melton! Hi! 🙂

      My 15-year-old just started on the bassoon. Double reed…tricky. 🙂 He’s also been playing sax for 4 years and piano for 6 1/2.

  28. Bassoons are cool but oboes rule! I started on clarinet at 12, went to sax, 6 string, flute, piano, 12 string, organ and my dear Roland. When you got musicians around, you have instant pier group. And an instant party when you all get together. I wish folk music would come back again!

    • You’re lucky we’re not neighbors! I’d be all…..”Play this for me! Now this.” My daughter’s a percussionist…the pit. She also plays piano and bass. My other son plays sax, piano, and guitar. My youngest plays piano and French horn. So, I see a lot of live performances all year round. 🙂

  29. You are blessed with talented kids! My old Storey & Clark does have wheels but its a long push to AL. Too bad because, unlike my rocker buddies, I grew up doing band and orchestra which means: I know showtunes and other stuff they wouldn’t be caught dead listening to, much less playing. And no, I’m not a nancy boy. Someday we need to have a Raisin convention and we’ll get Nonnie to do all the songs from West Side Story and you can help me with hits from Carosel…or we could just play porch music.

  30. Great site. Pretty spunky…I like that.

    I saw you have a torture section. Good job.

    I can’t tell what you think about Obama here. I’m curiuos to see if you’re against torture,military commissions, renditions, indefinite detintions, wars and war crimes(including Afganistan, Iraq, Yemin, Pakistan) the shredding of our civil rights and our constitution, the corporate robbery in progress, warrentless wiretapping etc(i could go on and on), when it’s only the republicans in the White House and in power?

    Are you aware of the above being done, expanded, institutionalized and in effect being virtually codified by Obama and the democrats as policy of the US since 2006, and even more so since Obama has been president?

    It seems like you are very informed.

    I remember when so many people were against the Bush regime when it was doing these things, and they were very vocal. Now the silence is deafening(sp?) while Obama does the same things, and in many cases, much worse. It seems they bought the Branding. Or is it because their “team” is doing it, they don’t care? Or don’t even bother to notice?

    What do you think of the Bradley Manning situation?

    ps….I don’t have any adult language in this, but truely do love your colorful use of the language. Really gets your points across.

    Thanks for the site writechic! Rock on.

    • Thanks for visiting, Marky.

      My torture page needs revising.

      DoJ is still crap.

      From the background of media and plain old citizen, I love what Manning did. Sunshine! 🙂

      Legally, I can see it’s possible he may have broken laws that he’ll be prosecuted for. I’m sure he assumed the risk.

  31. Yea, the DoJ is corrupt. From the unprecedented aggressive moves against whistleblowers, the persecution of Siegelman(so much for Siegelman’s “newfound hope” in his 2008 post above) , ignoring the robber barons at Wall Street and the BP coverup of environmental and health crimes and oh so much more.

    When I brought up Manning, I was wondering what you thought of his treatment at Quantico. Your page and stance on torture prompted me to ask you this question.

    I notice you didn’t address my questions on Obama and what he is doing. Could you please? I just want to understand what you think about these important topics.

    Thanks writechic.

  32. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. Please accept my apologies, and let me explain what I was doing.

    Sometimes when I come across a site I like I check it out thoroughly. Read and click almost everything on it. That’s a lot of clicks. Not just to see what it offers, but to get an idea about “where it’s coming from”.

    I usually have many pages open on my computer so I can revisit a page I haven’t finished exploring. Or if I’m following a blog (this was my 2nd time “blogging”). Many times when I am done with the computer I leave it on with the pages still open. A day or two can pass before I close everything down. It appears your meter recorded this activity. I can see how that would look creepy on it’s face.

    It wasn’t my intention at all to accuse you of the hypocrisy and ignorance that I was pointing out. After reading your site, I actually thought you were aware of what Obama is doing. And that you were aware of people who were supposedly furious at Bush’s(sp) actions that are now giving Obama a pass for the same crimes. I thought you would welcome shining a light on both of these points. That’s part of what your site does…point out hypocrisy, and dastardly deeds…right?

    And finally, I’m sorry if I came across as disrespectful or demanding when I asked you to give your opinions on the questions I asked. I had no idea that would be offensive on a blog/forum of this type.

    Please try not to jump to conclusions or read anything between the lines here. I’m new to this blog thing and obviously not the greatest writer, but I am being sincere.

  33. Most of what you wrote is fine.

    “After reading your site, I actually thought you were aware of what Obama is doing. And that you were aware of people who were supposedly furious at Bush’s(sp) actions that are now giving Obama a pass for the same crimes. I thought you would welcome shining a light on both of these points. That’s part of what your site does…point out hypocrisy, and dastardly deeds…right?

    This is passive-aggressive and douchey. But whatever. I’m still not jumping through your hoops.

  34. I’m trying to be as careful as I possibly can not to write this in a way that is douchey and passive- aggressive.

    After reading your site, I believe that you are spot on with your political “analysis“. It’s clear to me that you are well informed on the topics you blog about. Your opinions are unabashedly and blatantly clear. And funny too.

    I think we can both agree that you have a political blog.
    And, that there are many issues in politics.
    And, that you have addressed some of them on your blog.
    And, that you have not addressed some of them on your blog.

    Readers of your site don’t know your views on issues that you haven’t covered yet.

    Because focusing on hypocrisy and dastardly deeds seems to be an integral part of your site, I brought up two political topics where I think I see them in spades. And asked you to comment about them on your political blog.

    Your reply prompted me to try to clarify the specific questions I was asking you about.

    That’s what I was trying to do. Not be douchey and passive-aggressive. Just be respectfully clear.

    Was I offensive in any way in this post? I don’t mean to be.

    Could you share your views on the specific questions I asked?

    1-About what I believe are Obama’s many crimes (see previous post for partial list)

    2-about Obama supporters who were so upset when Bush was committing those same crimes, but are giving a pass to Obama as he shreds the Constitution too.

    Thank you. Peace.

    Thank you.

  35. It never ceases to amaze me when some clown attacks a blogger because the blogger isn’t doing what the clown wants the blogger to do. And gee whiz, isn’t it even more amazing that none of the attack clowns ever seem to have their own blogs? (Probably scared of a clown attack…)

  36. Hey, Writechic, sixteen makes you legal in Florida; I’m just sayin’ 🙂 The things about these right-wing trolls is that they don’t acknowledge of their side criticizing Obama for doing things that their guys do all the time. For example, here are three things that are okay for Republican Presidents to do but not Obama:

    1. Bailout banks
    2. Bailout car companies
    3. Bomb Libya

    p.s. Still waiting on my Rustic Inn reunion, Ms. Teen Alabama 🙂

  37. Hello Melissa! Good buddy John Erickson referred me over, saying that you would berate me with salty language and your amazing sense of humor….. (Actually, he said you would beat him if I did not pop in) I look forward to checking out your blog. Have a great day! 🙂

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